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41 Merner Place    New Hamburg, Ontario N3A 1Z5


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Version 2 now Available!!

AdPlayer Software is perfect for retail stores and small/home offices.  You can use it to play telephone messages-on-hold or in-store audio using any Windows '95/'98/NT PC equipped with a soundcard. The program runs in the background, so it can be installed on one of your current computers without affecting productivity. For small to medium sized businesses, all you need to add for In-Store audio (your own private radio station playing only your commercials) is a few speakers! For large stores or malls, just connect to your current PA system! For message-on-hold operation, simply connect your sound card line output to your phone system music-on-hold input! AdPlayer also gives you the option of alternating between messages and cuts from audio CDs.  It's ideal for record stores. Play a featured CD (in your computer's CD-ROM drive) and play commercials between cuts.


AdPlayer Software lets you:
  • Create 'Playlists' of messages. These are messages grouped together which you want played on a rotating basis. They can be stored, recalled or modified at any time.
  • Specify the length of time between messages.
  • Alternate between audio CD cuts and messages.
  • Fade background music up and down
  • Add, delete or insert messages.
  • Begin playback at any position in the playlist.
  • Stop or start playback at any time.

New Version 2 Features

Mixer section lets you control relative volumes of messages, background music and CD tracks.

Automatic 'ducking' feature lowers volume of background music (from external source such as a cassette deck, CD player or Satellite music system) when messages play.

Auto-Start option begins message playback as soon as AdPlayer loads. If AdPlayer is added to your Start|Programs|Start-Up folder, messages will begin playing as soon as you boot up your computer.

Recall of  last Playlist.  Each time you start AdPlayer, it loads the previously  used messages. 

And here is the best news. AdPlayer Software is now available for just $29.95! (U.S.), or free with any production valued at $300 (U.S.) or more! Compare that to the hundreds of dollars standard message-on-hold systems cost! AdPlayer Software is also more flexible in operation. Now is the time to set up your own telephone message-on-hold system or an in-house radio station that plays only your commercials! Contact Goebel Audio Services now to order your copy, or download the demo! Here's what the program looks like:

newfull.gif (8864 bytes)


newfulcd.gif (8695 bytes)

AdPlayer Demo (Windows '95/98/NT) 2.0Mb


Broadcast Multimedia Home


Custom Clients On Hold/In Store
